Latest Episodes
The Front Runner (2018) | Hugh Jackman | Vera Farmiga | Jason Reitman | Gary Hart | Political Drama
The Front Runner (2018) Directed by Jason Reitman. The Candidate done in 2018 style...set in 1988!
From the Earth to the Moon (1998) | HBO Miniseries | Tom Hanks | Ron Howard | Apollo Program | Moon Landing | Astronauts |
From the Earth to the Moon (1998). Giving the space program the A list treatment.
Apollo 13 (1995) | Movie Review | Ron Howard | Tom Hanks | Bill Paxton | Gary Sinise | Kevin Bacon
**Apollo 13 (1995)**, Directed by Ron Howard. *Houston, Ron Howard does NOT have a problem.*
Source Code (2011) | Duncan Jones | Jake Gyllenhaal | Michelle Monaghan | Vera Farmiga | Jeffrey Wright | Time Travel |
Source Code (2011) Directed by Duncan Jones. Time travel done right!
The Right Stuff (1983) | Movie Review | Tom Wolfe | NASA | Philip Kaufman | John Glenn | Chuck Yeager | Sam Shepard | Ed Harris |
**The Right Stuff (1983)**, Directed by Philip Kaufman. *Hey Ridley, you got any Beemans?*
Die Hard (1988) | Movie Review | Bruce Willis | Alan Rickman | John McTiernan
**Die Hard (1988)**, Directed by John McTiernan. *Yippee-ki-yay, Mother****er!!*