Latest Episodes

Blade Runner (1982), pt 1: The Film | Harrison Ford | Ridley Scott | Daryl Hannah | Sean Young | Rutger Hauer | Movie Review
**Blade Runner (1982)** , Directed by Ridley Scott. _Hard-boiled replicants want more life, but it ain't easy._

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) | Denis Villeneuve | Ryan Gosling | Movie Review
**Blade Runner 2049 (2017)** , Directed by Denis Villeneuve. _Faithful, but falls short._

District 9 (2009) | Neill Blomkamp | Movie Review
**District 9 (2009)** , Directed by Neill Blomkamp. _Can becoming an alien make one more human?_

The Matrix (1999) | Keanu Reeves | Wachowski Brothers | Laurence Fishburne | Carrie-Anne Moss | Movie Review
**The Matrix (1999)** , Directed by The Wachowski Brothers. _Neo and the red pill create a generation of Sci-Fi Fans._