Latest Episodes

Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (1982) | William Shatner | Leonard Nimoy | Movie Review
**Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (1982)**, Directed by Nicholas Meyer. _Khaaaaaaannnnnnn!!!!!!_

Cast Away (2000) | Tom Hanks | Helen Hunt | Wilson | Robert Zemeckis | Movie Review
**Cast Away (2000)** , Directed by Robert Zemeckis. _Robinson Crusoe, FedEx, a volleyball, and one terrifying plane crash._

Star Trek: Generations (1994) | Patrick Stewart | Picard | Riker | Enterprise | Jonathan Frakes | Malcolm McDowell | David Carson
**Star Trek: Generations (1994)** , Directed by David Carson. _Mr. Data Finally Gets a Joke. And Capt. Kirk Dies Twice, Quietly._

The Aviator (2004) | Leonardo DiCaprio | Cate Blanchett | Martin Scorsese | Movie Review
**The Aviator (2004)** , Directed by Martin Scorsese. _Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Save my Urine._

A Scanner Darkly (2006) | Woody Harrelson | Keanu Reeves | Winona Ryder | Robert Downey Jr. | Philip K Dick | Richard Linklater | Movie Review
**A Scanner Darkly (2006)**, Directed by Richard Linklater. _The most "Philip K. Dick" of Philip K. Dick movies._

Contact (1997) | Jodie Foster | Robert Zemeckis | Matthew McConaughey | Movie Review
**Contact (1997)** , Directed by Robert Zemeckis. _But there WERE aliens! Really!!_